The Whiskey Vault

The Whiskey Vault
This year's Whiskey Vault outing with Texas Auto Writer Association buddies in Austin for the Texas Truck Rodeo.

Friday, February 22, 2013

National Margarita Day: It Makes Me a Little Misty

It may not resonate with the masses, but today is a very special day for me. No, it's not up there with Christmas, Thanksgiving or even the 4th of July; but it is certainly elevated above third-tier holidays, such as Valentine's Day and Secretary's Day. It's a second-tier special occasion to be celebrated alongside Columbus Day, Presidents Day and St. Paddy's Day.

Yes, Friday February 22, is National Margarita Day!

I prefer it to the slate of those damnable Monday post-office holidays because after consuming the obligatory pitcher of tequila, triple sec, Grand Marnier and lime juice, I can stagger out to my mailbox with at least some expectation of finding mail in it; perhaps it will even contain a long-anticipated check. Then I can stumble down to my office, get online and make an e-deposit into my credit union and have the deposited amount immediately register in my account. I can then click on an online retailer and buy something I will regret when I wake up the next afternoon.

It's what made America great!

But you can't do any of that on a post-office holiday Monday.

My message to you is to not let this special day go uncelebrated. Grab the arm of a loved one, coworker or total stranger, belly up to the bar in your local Mexican eatery, and order a top-shelf margarita. Hum the Mexican national anthem as you toss it back.

If you'd rather celebrate in the seclusion of your home, here's the recipe for Senor Rusty's Double-Fisted Margarita:

  • one part Cabo Wabo Silver tequila (Always remember: Friends don't let friends drink Cuervo.)
  • 1/2 part triple sec
  • 1/2 part Grand Marnier
  • one and 1/2 part lime juice with a little sugar added (slackers may substitute sweet-and-sour mix)
  • one egg white (optional, but it does make a difference)

Toss it all into a blender and mix for about two seconds. Pour the magic elixir into a highball glass half filled with ice and garnish with a wedge of lime. Purists will want to salt the rim of the glass first. Because my body is a temple, I skip the salt.

Live a little, and stay thirsty, my friend.

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